Saturday, February 12, 2011

Collin Cleaned His Room Just Now. Like, really cleaned it.

The best part of my week:
when my five hour study session on Monday was interrupted by my sweet friend bringing me a study care package filled with healthy snacks and Starbucks espresso roast! I had just started a timed, online exam so I couldn't even invite her in to visit. Right before the test started I was wishing for something to snack on but there wasn't anything good in the house. Then she knocks at the door. Ahhhh, it totally made my day. Thank you Jessica!

The other best part of my week: 
when a friend came and picked up Ania, took her home, let her play with puppies and bake birthday cupcakes. Quickest way to my heart? Love my Ani-girl and let me study at the same time. Thank you Rhonda!

Another best thing:
when totally cool teenage boys give my non-driving people rides. Enter Josh and Nathan on Sunday morning. Going to church fell apart in the final hour for me, but Alissa still really wanted to go. We text a couple friends. New Favorite Person: JoshNathan! I have chocolate for you. Or else there's the night Braden gave Ania a ride home from Ferndale, again. On his birthday, no less. Ania thinks he's the best. Thanks guys!

And you don't even know:
how great it is to have the best A&P study friend and fellow cat dissector on the planet. Together we got an average of 98% on the huge lab exam last week. Together we took two legs off Vampire Bob and got to see the articulating surface of the kitty femur. Together (today) we put away five hours of studying, lattes, breakfast, and lunch. Thanks Sara!

One last best thing:
birthday party lands at our house. I love it when these guys make themselves at home. They're the perfect house guests. Quiet as could be so the little girls can fall asleep on a school night. They even cooperate when I show up with the camera for a photo shoot. They're the best. Happy Birthday, Braden.


Gma Judy said...

you should have had a picture of the clean room. Might never see it again.

Kristine said...

Like Haley's comet ...