Friday, November 19, 2010

Life Sometimes Sparkles

So we went out to a fancy dinner.
We had 8pm reservations.
We had an old gift certificate needing to be used up. 
So it was free.

We dressed up all cute and tootsie.
Kaisha can do her hair ten different, amazing ways in, like, ten seconds.
Kaisha and her hair are amazing.
We sat by the window and watched the sparkly lights in the harbor.

And, shock of shocks! It started snowing!
Yay! We love the snow!
We can't believe it! 

Sparkly lights AND fancy food AND snow all on the same night?
Although, we did have sore throats and talking was slightly limited. 
So the two of us ... 

... watched a lot of fourteen.
It looks fun to be fourteen. Alissa does it very well.

Garlic prawns. Seafood platters. Yummmmm.
You know its a fancy food when at the end you aren't really full.
But the flavors ... oh, it makes it so worth it!

And then home to play in the snow.
Fourteen and beautiful.
In the snow in the dark in her hat and in my warmer than anything boots.

Even Welly loves the snow.
He just doesn't show it in photographs.
I think we'll all sleep good tonight.


Annie said... glad you got to enjoy some special time just the three of you. That food looks amazing! :)

Jessica said...

Oh, that looks like a lot of fun! That is so cool it started snowing while you were having dinner! Hm, let's see...was that at Anthony's? It was so good to see you yesterday!