Its a good thing that blogging isn't cooking dinner or doing laundry or I would certainly be in jail for negligence. It's been a month since I last posted. But I haven't felt guilty. Lots of very important things have happened in our home since my last blog post.
Such as the day we were at the beach and Mia said, in total seriousness, "Mom, when I bite my tongue, I see people in yellow."
Or the day Kaisha started her new job after being home from Europe only ten days.
Or the amazing way Kaisha and Nicole fell upon their new *little* rental house that they'll be moving into soon!
Maybe the greatest boon has been that Ania is starting to watch TV. Of course, I'll just admit it up front, that Kaisha wasn't allowed to know that motion pictures even existed until she was about 12, but things are different now. I actually offered the older kids MONEY if they would somehow TEACH Ania to watch TV. She has never sat in front of the TV for more than a few minutes and actually been babysat by it. She is more of the follow-my-mom-around-all-day-and-require-her-moment-by-moment-attention sort of child. Which isn't all bad, except when you want to use the bathroom, talk on the phone, or even just have a clear thought. Enter annoying chipmunk movie. She laughs and laughs. It's delightful.
Seventeen days until Alissa starts swimming with the Squalicum High School swim team. Tomorrow she has a meet in Marysville with BBST. She has been to 8 practices this week.She loves it. Works so hard at it. Post coming about an award she won! I'm so proud of my girl.
Love it. Love it all!! Have you read the "Humphrey" books about a hamster in a classroom??? You need to. Humphrey calls the kids names like you called NewSonAndi! Like, RaiseYourHandJill, or, SpeakUpMatt. I'll read you some on Wednesday. Thanks for posting! Don't stop...
Love it too!!! Love your mugs, I have a collection as well, mugs in general..i know sarah collects those kinds though. Good for Collin and Kaisha!!! Sorry about poor Bretts work schedule. Praying for you all.
psss my cousin Kelly RUnestrand is a semi legend there at squalicum...shes now swimming for New Mexico State. SO proud.
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