Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Favorite Person

You really do want to be my Favorite Person. It comes with perks like ice cream and my expressed admiration. Here's how it works:

1. There is only one Favorite Person at a time.

2. The person who currently has Favorite Person keeps it until a new Favorite Person comes along. This could be 10 minutes or 10 months.

3. Favorite Person status is bestowed unexpectedly and cannot be purposefully earned.

4. Favorite Person is works based. You do something unexpectedly amazing that touches my world and before you know it, you may be the new Favorite Person.

5. It is extremely difficult for Thomas kids to be Favorite Person. Their good deeds are constantly compensating for their bad deeds ... and, well, just ask them. They aren't usually Favorite Person. And Welly has never been Favorite Person.

I've had a Favorite Person now for about a year. Here are some examples: Trevor was Favorite Person because he left a comment on my blog once. Caleb was the current Favorite Person because he became the first guy to be a follower on my blog until Dylan stole it from him by coming over to do my dishes. Dylan was Favorite Person before Caleb because he called me one day and invited himself over. I loved that! Kaisha had Favorite Person once because I came home one day and found dinner made! Grant kept getting Favorite Person because he kept showing up to help us move.

A recent thought is that Favorite Person deserves chocolate. I'm working that up.


Anonymous said...

You are my favorite family!

If i lived closer I would come and do something for you guys.... but I dont... so I dont get to be a favorite person...

marie said...

I LOVe a good works based contest! Let the games begin!

Brenda said...

You can just send me my chocolate by mail. I'll watch for it. ;)

Grant Larsen said...

Someday I aspire to be a Favorite Person.........someday...

Unknown said...

Grant...you've been a favorite person more than anyone else. What are you thinking? Do you even know how impressed I was of myself to have stolen it from you? If you wanna steal it from Dylan though, I suggest you stop by sometime and ask her to make you coffee.

C Scansen said...

LOL! Who is your current favorite person?? Or do we get to know? lol

Nicole Wright said...

mom has different favorite people all the time. I started saying it at work without thinking, haha tommy looks at me and he's like, i like being a favorite. lol "they're all favorite just some are a little more favorite"