Friday, November 7, 2008

How Many is Too Many?

I had to bribe him to take this picture. I made the mistake of telling him why I wanted a picture of the five of us girls. It only cost me a dollar ... which is worth the time it would have taken me to set up the automatic timer. Anyway, here we are ... the five Mommies. I, of course, am the supreme Mommy #1. Kaisha is #2, and so on. No, Adam is not a Mommy. But, the gaggle of Mommies does not stop with just 5. Nicole is #6. And we affectionally call Abigail "Mommy #'s 7 through 11."
We're essentially a group of women who have taken it upon ourselves to see that Collin grows up to be a perfect man. Our standards are extremely reasonable. He must let us go first. He must be gentlemanly and kind at all times. He must think of our good, even at great cost to himself. He must never hit back. He should get good grades and read our minds. Fix all household electronic problems before they infringe upon our lives. Not get outdoor dirt inside. Always take the back seat. Sooth all emotional upheavals quickly. Marry who we pick. Take out the garbage. Solve all our problems. Make the sun shine tomorrow. Predict the future. Keep the mountains from falling into the sea. Oh ... and did I mention ... read our minds?
He's doing pretty well with it all. But we would welcome new applicants. Amanda, we think you would fit right in. Let us know if you're interested!


Anonymous said...

That is a hoot! Cracked me up. Not only will Bobby be the perfect husband, but also the perfect father. Has anyone mentioned to him that God may give him 6 girls to raise, love and mind-read? Don't tell him I said it. But I promise to knit socks and sweaters for each every girl he has.

Anonymous said...

ROFL!!! that is sooo funny! cracked me up!!

Anonymous said...

Could I be Mommy thirteen?? I would teach Collin how to make the perfect meal. Thank you for including me into the group of mommies!

Amanda #13

Kristine said...

Yes, Amanda. You can have #13. We just need a taker for number #12. And, just to double check, do you think there is a conflict of interst between both mommy and cousin? I'm thinking we can make it work.

Anonymous said...

So after much consideration I want to be the cool Aunt. Like Blondy. That gives sage advice and tells great stories and gets enthused about skinning squirrels. Please consider my application. REferences upon request.

Anonymous said...

I'll take #12 if nobody else has claimed it. Otherwise, I'll take #16, as I have known Collie for 16 years. As for my purpose in the row of mommies, I think that I shall bring, well,... I'll bring Uncle Jack who always makes Collin laugh and can beat him at any board game. No, seriously, I think I will teach Collin how to like mushrooms. This is a skill that is sure to catch any girl (of course, only the ones we pick, right?).

. me . said...

Collin's Mommy #2, and Isaac's Mommy #1 is highly in favor of adding the other mommies to the club. I believe that young boys need all the help they can get to grow into mature young men. It really is a wonder that my father turned out ok with only a mother and a sister.

Anonymous said...

Kaisha, your dad turned out so well because he went through MY mommy program (and the supreme Mommy #1 in our house was pretty great too!). I taught him the finest of skills.... removing tonsils from snakes, skipping stones, riding bikes on a trail, shooting pop cans with a BB gun, blowing up slugs with firecrackers, mixing pop to make a new flavor every time, trading Halloween candy, ... oh, the list could go on and on. I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure we had mind reading practice sessions. No wonder he turned out so GREAT!

You can see that my experience in being a Mommy is fruitful. Collin is in very good hands!

Stormgirl said...

LOL! Great post Kristine! Collin is quite blessed to have so many "mommies"!!!!!! :D