That is so funny! We're locking the office at every turn, but a hacker at heart can still get in! You should have seen what she pulled up on Craigslist the other day. Oh, my. So glad she can't read.
Ani! That is exactly what I was thinking, how did you know?! How is Pink Puppy? I got new shoes today. They aren't sparkly like yours, but they're real cute anyway. Love you!
Hello Ania!!
tlsndi snie ejsofjei
I love my Anie. She types such lovely messages. HOW DOES THAT GIRL GET INTO BLOGGER?
Wow...what a little hacker you have there! :)
That is so funny! We're locking the office at every turn, but a hacker at heart can still get in! You should have seen what she pulled up on Craigslist the other day. Oh, my. So glad she can't read.
Ani! That is exactly what I was thinking, how did you know?! How is Pink Puppy? I got new shoes today. They aren't sparkly like yours, but they're real cute anyway. Love you!
Hugs to Ania <3
Ania got more comments than your other blogs.
Um, ya. Thanks for pointing that out. :o)
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