Monday, April 26, 2010

Run with the Fuzz

Look! I ran a 5k! There were over 600 people running. Twice what they expected. The entry fee money all goes to families of fallen officers around the country. I'm guessing they made over $12,000. This was the first time they did this race in Bellingham but it's been going in other communities for quite a few years.

P.S. Of course, I forgot my camera. It had a dead battery anyway. Hey ... Kaisha, did you take my spare battery to England? I couldn't find it. At lease I don't have to remember to have film in the camera anymore. Sigh. It's hard to be me.

P.S.S. (Remember doing that in middle school? P.S.S.?) I got this text from Collin a few minutes ago: "there is like the cutest old lady in my chemistry class haha" I texted back and told him to take a picture of her. He said, "no that would be weird". He makes me smile.


Through the Sea Glass said...

Yeah for running! I took a break, i need to start up again! Colin is so funny :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! for running a 5K, for running with your husband, for running at all! Yay! (I must add that you've been holding out on me. Smile.) Yahoooooo!!!! Way to go!

. me . said...

uh...i have two batteries, but i'm perty sure they're both mine! ha! :) good for you guys! :)