Wednesday, October 7, 2009

You know you are a little busy when ...

... you forget to pick up your daughter from preschool. Yep. I forgot. I didn't forget she existed, I just completely lost track of time. The phone rang. It was her teacher, Mrs. Graham, informing me that nobody had come to pick up Ania from school. I was 20 minutes late when she called. *Sigh* Ania was happily playing in the classroom when I finally got there. No sign that she was aware of her new neglected status. I apologized profusely. "It's fine. It happens all the time." Just to make me feel a little less a loser ... maybe you could leave a "I forgot my child" story on the comments. Thanks.


Renee from A Baker's Dozen said...

I've never forgotten a child (we always have a "count off" before leaving anywhere). But if you remember I took the wrong child to the dentist a few months back. I mean, their names both start with "J" and who can read that messy handwriting on the calendar anyway??????


Brenda said...

Okay, when Amanda was a baby and was even the ONLY child at that point, I left her on TOP of the car trunk in her little car-seat carrier thing. How's THAT for horrible? Thank God I remembered she was there before backing out. I blamed it on sleep depravation, but it still seemed like I was a horrible mom. There. Feel better?