Monday, March 23, 2009

This Just In

Urgent transmission of information occurred while the rest of the west coast was sleeping. At 4:45 AM a tooth, which was the cause of tears the evening before after an attempted extraction, was elatedly reported absent. Response from worthy authorities was reportedly, "That's nice dear, go back to bed, it's the middle of the night, you're going to wake up Ania." The prediction quickly came to pass resulting in over half the occupants of the residence awakening at the unreasonable hour. Not to mention that three fourths of the stirring occupants were either recovering from or very sick with the flu and had not slept through the night in multiple days.


Anonymous said...

Mia, you are all sorts of cuteness with fewer teeth. I'm glad your tooth came out after such a hard time trying to get it out. I hate that. Icky. Do you get a little prize in return for your tooth? Did you ever find it? Do Tell.

Brenda said...

All responses from the South correspondants are positive. "Why did the tooth come out in her bed?" inquired Thomas, the cousin of similar age to Mia. He followed up with, "Was she messing around with it in her sleep? That's just weird." That's all for here.