Thursday, November 20, 2008


Ania's new fun thing. Plant your feet solidly on the ground, shoulder width apart. Pull up your shirt to reveal your waist (and cute little hernia if you have one) and swing your hips side to side in quick movements. Smile and say, "Hips!" Where does a 3 year old come up with a move like that? Her dad, of course.


Anonymous said...

Look at the ab muscles on that girl. What kind of crunches does she do? I need to do some. Cuteness in a red hat. Love it.

Balvanz said...


Annie said...

That is soooo funny! Kaisha got her to do the "Hips" routine for me when I came over and I cracked up! And when Ania saw us all laughing at her, she just kept doing it for another five minutes! :) Cuteness!