Friday, July 15, 2011

Child Labor Laws

First off...ten points for Codance because he told me he read my blog the other day. He also took Alissa to the store for an ice cream run tonight because Kaisha believes that ice cream fixes everything and there were things that needed fixing. And he does remarkably well in a room full of girls...a five to one ratio tonight. He only closed his eyes and begged for Collin to come home once. it wasn't actual begging.

Today also involved tossing child labor laws to the wind. Mia has become a partner in business and fellow laborer in stamped metal. She rocks at sanding, polishing, and darkening the letters. Ania helped too, in between episodes of elevated body temperatures and swollen eyes. Evidently 17 doctor appointments in the last 2 months isn't quite enough for our house of people. I think Ania needs to see the allergist too. I've also taken Alissa to/from drivers ed for 15 classes and 3 drives in the last couple months. She's has just a few drives left to fit in and then the long wait until her 16th birthday.
Collin worked his first double shift this week (16 hrs) and will be getting his first over-forty overtime pay! Despite full time work, he's enjoying the summer off school. Last summer he took 17 credits of summer classes.

Alissa is starting to get some jobs to pay for her upcoming swim season at the high school! Speaking of, she signed up for forensics and honors chemistry for the fall! She pulled an A in honors biology last semester! Little miss 3.7gpa.
Kaisha got into the dental assisting program for the fall and is crossing her fingers for some financial aid to come through. I'm trying to figure out which bank to rob in the meantime.

Oh, and I'm selling my van. Anybody need a great, reliable vehicle? Do call.


Unknown said...

Hi Kristine... Just randomly checking in on your blog & wanted to say we're not really shopping around for a van, but we do need a larger vehicle. Send me the info on yours and I'll see if Josh is interested in it. cm price 2281 at g mail =D

Kristine said...

Oh, shoot. Sorry Crystal. I hadn't been checking my blog all week and just now got your comment. And, of course, sold the van a couple days ago. So glad to know you read my blog. Would love to run into you at the water park again this summer! Hope all is well with you guys. Hugs.