Sunday, May 29, 2011

Two Make a Party

When Kaisha and Cody come over it feels like a party. We miss Kaisha when we don't see her for a couple days. It's so nice when she walks through the door. And Cody is Mr. Fun. He goofs around and plays with the little girls. He and Alissa give each other a hard time constantly. He's game for anything. Tonight was Apples to Apples. Even Ania played. Then brownies with peanut butter chocolate chips in the center. And spooning out the brownie batter at the end. Cody even ate chocolate. A tiny bit. How can anyone not like chocolate?

Emesis producing, viral loaded, diseased male. Poor man child. 


Molly said...

Aww you mentioned me in your blog ^_^ I feel so special. I was glad to see you and your girls today.
That part about Collin made me laugh a little. Sorry. He looks truly unfortunate.

Marie said...

Remember when the poor boy used to puke all the time? You'd think he would done his share for a lifetime. Love the pic of the brownie cups going in the oven-your photography always amazes me. :)